About Me

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I met my husband about 6 years ago and we got pregnant about a year into our relationship. He is 4 now and such an amazing kid! We have been struggling to have a successful pregnancy for 2 years now, with 4 miscarriages all in the first tri-mester

What does it all mean??

TTC= trying to conceive

BBT= basal body temperature

HPT= home pregnancy test

OPK= ovulation predictor kit

BFP= big fat positive (what we want!)

BFN= big fat negative (what we loathe...)

What's been going on?

Dec 2004: Met Derek at a friends birthday dinner (and didn't like him lol!)

Feb 2006: Conceived Owen by surprise

Sept 22, 2006: Derek and I got married

Nov 6, 2006: Owen was born!

Nov 2008: Decide to TTC for #2

Jan 2009: Longest cycle ever, take HPT and got a BFP. Go to dr and find out we're mid miscarriage

May 2009: BFP!

June 2009: Go to DR for first OB appointment to find no heartbeat, off to hospital for D&C. Told to wait 3 months before TTC again

Dec 2009: BFP and one week later start bleeding, miscarriage #3

Jan 2010: Go in to see DR, check blood and all organs working well, and ovulating well.

April 2010: Another BFP. About a week later start bleeding again, miscarriage #4.

May 2010: Talk to my DR, has me wait 6 months before TTC again.

Sept 2010: Go to follow up with DR, has me start taking prenatal vitamins, baby asprin and progesterone 48 hours after ovulation (to take until my cycle starts, or reach 13 weeks in a pregnancy)

March 7th 2011: BFP!!!!! (over the next few days I ended up taking 4 tests to be for sure positive)

April 4th 2011: First OB appointment... saw lil baby on ultrasound and STRONG heartbeat of 175 bpm.

June 27th 2011: Second ultrasound, we're having a lil boy!

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

16 weeks

Your Baby: Week 16

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

I had a DR appointment today and got to hear baby's heartbeat again. Strong 156 bpm, and I feel like I can breathe a little easier for a while. My nerves go through the roof before every appointment. I pray and pray to keep myself from being a wreck, but with each one I feel better. I also, made my next appointment for June 27th and right after that appointment we will go straight to the hospital to have an ultrasound and hopefully find out what this baby is! Anyone have a hunch?? I'm clueless lol!

On a really sad note, a girl I went to high school with, and since went to church with and had very many mutual friends, was killed on Friday. She was running in Chelan when a man fell asleep at the wheel and struck her, killing her and her baby (she was 31 weeks pregnant) My mind is still reeling. No, I wasn't close to her, but this hit close to home. She was due just a few days before my sister and had 2 small boys at home. My heart breaks, and I'm reminded how none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Please keep this family in your prayers.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

15 weeks

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now out measure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your baby is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

Well, not much to mention on the pregnancy front. Just moving along and really feeling good. I'm so thankful that I'm not as tired and not nauseous anymore! I do have a lil' belly already, which I am fully embracing. I'm not going to hide this gift God has given me... I am also happy that I don't just look like I'm fat, I look pregnant! Still no names... we've thrown a few around and have a few we like, but nothing set in stone. I have another week until my next appointment and I'm anxious. Another girl whose blog I read, lost her baby at 18 weeks. It scares me. I have heard of so many first trimester miscarriages and have experienced my fair share, but losing a baby after the "safe period" has got to be hard. I've been praying for her and her family and praying that God keeps my mind clear and my faith strong.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

14 weeks:: Second Trimester

Today I am 14 weeks and have roughly about 6 months left . For one week now, I've been off progesterone. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous to get off of it. With having so many miscarriages, I get scared with everything. I feel like I haven't enjoyed this pregnancy much... hopefully after I feel the baby move and know what we're having, I will enjoy it. I have been feeling much better these days. Not so tired, I have some more energy and I am not eating every 2 hours! On Friday I even forgot to eat lunch... just breakfast and dinner. That would've not happened before. I'm not sleeping as well anymore, and I'm still waking up for a couple hours each night, but NOT eating :]

This week, I've heard of 2 girls having miscarriages. One was just a few weeks behind me and one was a few weeks ahead of me. It's scary. You're never fully safe in a pregnancy and that's definitely nerve racking. I need to put my faith in God knowing that he is in control and that everything will be ok.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 weeks

Well, I've reached 13 weeks which means I took my last progesterone pill last night! I can't tell you enough how excited I am to not be taking them anymore. I'm hoping that I get some energy back, and lose some of my appetite. I am kinda sick of being hungry every 2 hours and waking up at 3am to eat. Not so great for the waistline.

So many people have been asking lately if we've picked out names. To be honest, we've not even really thought of names. We will discuss names when we find out what we're having. I also get asked if I'm so excited... I am, but I feel like I can't get super excited because so much has gone wrong in the past. I might get more excited when we get to find out what we're having. It's at least 7 weeks until then. Hopefully we can schedule that ultrasound on the 31st at my next appointment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

week 12

Today marks 12 weeks. I finally made it to 12 weeks! Baby is now the size of a plum :] This morning I had another dr appointment and I got to hear the heartbeat. 168 beats per minute. Derek was pretty bummed that he had to work and couldn't come with us. He needs to hear the heartbeat for reassurance just as much as I do. Hopefully the next one :] We got home and I took a little nap... woke up SUPER nauseous. Seriously started kinda gagging while making my bed... sick. I am now trying to eat a sandwich so that I get rid of this nausea. Hopefully this symptom goes soon. One good thing is that I only have one more week of taking progesterone! I'm so happy that I get to stop taking it so soon! I was sure I'd have to be 14 weeks until I stopped, so when she said one more week it was like music to my ears! Well, I'd better sign off... got lots of cleaning to do before our out of towners show up this evening!