About Me

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I met my husband about 6 years ago and we got pregnant about a year into our relationship. He is 4 now and such an amazing kid! We have been struggling to have a successful pregnancy for 2 years now, with 4 miscarriages all in the first tri-mester

What does it all mean??

TTC= trying to conceive

BBT= basal body temperature

HPT= home pregnancy test

OPK= ovulation predictor kit

BFP= big fat positive (what we want!)

BFN= big fat negative (what we loathe...)

What's been going on?

Dec 2004: Met Derek at a friends birthday dinner (and didn't like him lol!)

Feb 2006: Conceived Owen by surprise

Sept 22, 2006: Derek and I got married

Nov 6, 2006: Owen was born!

Nov 2008: Decide to TTC for #2

Jan 2009: Longest cycle ever, take HPT and got a BFP. Go to dr and find out we're mid miscarriage

May 2009: BFP!

June 2009: Go to DR for first OB appointment to find no heartbeat, off to hospital for D&C. Told to wait 3 months before TTC again

Dec 2009: BFP and one week later start bleeding, miscarriage #3

Jan 2010: Go in to see DR, check blood and all organs working well, and ovulating well.

April 2010: Another BFP. About a week later start bleeding again, miscarriage #4.

May 2010: Talk to my DR, has me wait 6 months before TTC again.

Sept 2010: Go to follow up with DR, has me start taking prenatal vitamins, baby asprin and progesterone 48 hours after ovulation (to take until my cycle starts, or reach 13 weeks in a pregnancy)

March 7th 2011: BFP!!!!! (over the next few days I ended up taking 4 tests to be for sure positive)

April 4th 2011: First OB appointment... saw lil baby on ultrasound and STRONG heartbeat of 175 bpm.

June 27th 2011: Second ultrasound, we're having a lil boy!

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Monday, February 20, 2012

What's been happening...

Well... I just took a look at my last post... wow, January 1st?! So much has gone on since then! We ended up walking away from the house we were going to purchase, mainly because the lender (Kiel Lending) who we went with sucked majorly. They couldn't get anything done on time and required 2 extensions and was going to do a 3rd. I was heading to Hawaii for a while with the boys to stay with Derek and I really didn't want everything up in the air while we were gone. So, Derek and I talked it over and made the tough decision to move out. So, in 5 weeks (after having a baby mind you) I moved our house 2 times. Right now all of our belongings are in a 10x20 storage unit and in a 600 sq ft hotel on Waikiki. But something great happened before me and the boys hopped on a plane.

My brother in law started sending us some houses... we put an offer on one and were beat by an offer that was already accepted. Oh well! He then sent us an email about the possibility of building a home in my mom's neighborhood. Ideally where we'd want to be. The builder is on site and we checked it out. We were hoping for the 1888 sq ft rambler and wanted to see the floor plan. Well, it happens to be my mom's exact floor plan which we LOVE! We got the ball rolling and in 2 hours (with the help of my brother in law), I picked out all of the flooring, finishes, extras and outdoor colors. Man... I didn't think there would be so much to pick! We are hoping for a March start to the build and that would put the finish around June.

Now, the boys and I leave Hawaii March 9th. We were going to stay until Derek's job finished, but these tight quarters and a small baby are really making things difficult. We will come back to visit if Derek is here as long as they say. Anyways... So, we will be moving into my sister and brother in law's very large family room. We will have a half bath, couch, love seat, table and chairs, tv and then I will bring in my bed and dresser for clothing storage. What's nice is that we can close it off and be alone. My aunt has graciously offered her place during the day for us to "escape" if needed. So, we're excited for what is to come and we know that it's going to take a lot of sacrifice on our part, but we're ready for it!!!