About Me

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I met my husband about 6 years ago and we got pregnant about a year into our relationship. He is 4 now and such an amazing kid! We have been struggling to have a successful pregnancy for 2 years now, with 4 miscarriages all in the first tri-mester

What does it all mean??

TTC= trying to conceive

BBT= basal body temperature

HPT= home pregnancy test

OPK= ovulation predictor kit

BFP= big fat positive (what we want!)

BFN= big fat negative (what we loathe...)

What's been going on?

Dec 2004: Met Derek at a friends birthday dinner (and didn't like him lol!)

Feb 2006: Conceived Owen by surprise

Sept 22, 2006: Derek and I got married

Nov 6, 2006: Owen was born!

Nov 2008: Decide to TTC for #2

Jan 2009: Longest cycle ever, take HPT and got a BFP. Go to dr and find out we're mid miscarriage

May 2009: BFP!

June 2009: Go to DR for first OB appointment to find no heartbeat, off to hospital for D&C. Told to wait 3 months before TTC again

Dec 2009: BFP and one week later start bleeding, miscarriage #3

Jan 2010: Go in to see DR, check blood and all organs working well, and ovulating well.

April 2010: Another BFP. About a week later start bleeding again, miscarriage #4.

May 2010: Talk to my DR, has me wait 6 months before TTC again.

Sept 2010: Go to follow up with DR, has me start taking prenatal vitamins, baby asprin and progesterone 48 hours after ovulation (to take until my cycle starts, or reach 13 weeks in a pregnancy)

March 7th 2011: BFP!!!!! (over the next few days I ended up taking 4 tests to be for sure positive)

April 4th 2011: First OB appointment... saw lil baby on ultrasound and STRONG heartbeat of 175 bpm.

June 27th 2011: Second ultrasound, we're having a lil boy!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my journey...thus far

I've been thinking the last few days about starting this blog. It's more for myself than anything else really.

I wanted to keep a "journal" of my now year long journey to get pregnant with baby #2. This first post will be long since I will go over the last 11 months and all that has happened.

November 27Th 2008: Thanksgiving day. I decided to stop taking my birth control, for the reason that I was continuing to gain weight on it. Also, we wanted to have a baby. We thought it may take a few months so getting off earlier would be best.

December 31st 2008: I started my cycle, with the worst cramps I've ever had. I was in a ball at the top of my stairs wishing it'd all go away. For the next 25 days I continued to bleed on and off. Around day 20, I decided to call my Dr and see what was going on. They had me take a home pregnancy test and it came up positive... I didn't want to get excited for the reasons that I had been bleeding on and off had given me the idea that it wasn't a viable pregnancy. We went in for an ultrasound and they found nothing. Which could either meant that I was very early in a pregnancy or I had miscarried. So we did some blood work and they checked my hcg levels. They had me come in the following Monday and check them again. I got a call that Tuesday while I was at work letting me know that for sure it was a miscarriage. First blow...

We weren't told to wait so we continued to try for the next couple of months.

May 5Th 2009: Derek and I got home the day before from my birthday trip to Las Vegas. I was supposed to start my cycle that morning and decided to take a home pregnancy test. This time it was positive!!! I was so excited and told Derek, my mom and sister all right away! We had a due date of January 12Th, 2010. It made me happy to know I wasn't going to have a brand new baby during the holidays and it would be a great gift for the new year.

June 12Th 2009: I had my first OB appointment with my new OBGYN. I am planning on doing a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and I was nervous to meet her. Derek took the day off to see the first ultrasound (since he missed Owen's first u/s). I got all checked in, they took my blood pressure, weight and did a urine sample. Next the Dr came in and talked to me about the pregnancy and what brought me to her. I told her about the VBAC and how I found her on the ICAN website. She was sure after a pelvic exam (and knowing how big Owen was!) that I could do a vaginal birth no problem! Next was the ultrasound... I was so excited! I had a small screen I could see and Derek had a view of the big screen. As I saw the baby, I just felt so happy... and then the Dr wasn't saying anything. I got a bit scared, and then she showed me an area of black inside my uterus which was all blood. The baby wasn't moving and didn't have a heartbeat. I was also only measuring at 8 1/2 weeks when I was 9 weeks along at that time. So, sometime in the previous week I had lost the baby. I just couldn't help but sob and sob... I had waited so long for this and now it was taken from me.

That afternoon we were scheduled for a D&C at the hospital. We went from the Dr's office to the hospital and had another ultrasound with a better machine to make sure that what the Dr had seen was correct. And unfortunately she was right. So, we checked into the same day surgery center and went on with the day.

At about 3pm they wheeled me into the OR. I was scared to say the least and just cried... they took me in and put me under and started the procedure. I awoke during the D&C and was crying because it hurt so bad. The anesthesiologist gave me more stuff to put me back to sleep and I woke up in the recovery room.

I've never gone through anything this hard in my entire life. I can't believe I got through it. It's been hard, but with God and my very understanding family I'm still coping.

Over the next couple of months a lot of people announced their pregnancies, and I couldn't help but be envious and happy for them at the same time. They all deserve happy healthy babies, but I wanted one too.

October 13Th 2009: I was 5 days late for my cycle and I decided to take a home pregnancy test. It came up positive!!!! I was ecstatic and took a shower and thanked God for a healthy pregnancy in advance... then 30 minutes later I started to bleed. I was scared. I didn't want to go through another miscarriage and called my Dr right away. They had me come in to take a blood sample. They called later that afternoon and my HCG levels were at 1, which they consider to be like a 0.... no pregnant which means no miscarriage. Which was good news there, but so sad that once again we weren't pregnant.

Now for today... I'm about to that "fertile" point in this month and I can't help but count days and want to try again. Everyone says "as soon as you stop trying you'll get pregnant"... that is hard to just stop trying! I can't help but know that about 14 days after my cycle starts I'm going to be ovulating. So, I guess we will just be "trying" again.

I'm hoping and praying for a healthy pregnancy soon, but God only knows when he will bless us with this precious gift. I'm keeping my head high and my spirits up. What I've gone through has been a tough road to say the least, but there are people who have gone through worse.

I'm going to continue this blog as our journey continues through each month and hopefully into a pregnancy. I want to look back and remember all that I have gone through for a baby.

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